They gave evil, I became reactionist and I risk wars.

In Norway USA Greece if a crime is done to you it is not always criminal to react but depends on the scene. If they had not been there I would not have done this. So they did it. I saw in telepathy....

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Images of detached nothing scenes to download

Some images you can download for free about detached nothing states and scenes with some text on them about what was going on in such scenes, from all around the world and all different themes..

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Since 2018 December. Detached state & good things happening.

Remembered coming to Notodden with my detaching yoga and sensed happiness walking in the main street towards Saetregata for first time. Also remember some happy sun energies..

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My childhood and my conquers from the years of 1983-1999.

The impurity was my mother and father from 0 - 9,4 years. I was a demigod of weather, relaxing anxiety and I had luck with knowing problems by the black shadow man and father so I escaped..

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Calming down senses with boring food.

Food to eat for relaxation calming down the senses, a list of different food that is helping one to detach and relax better than other type of food.

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Movie reviews of known films.

A list of movie reviews of different films that has as theme a more detaching thing, ratings of some to help the user pick the best movie to watch...

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Free gifts and cash

Want anything for free? Check out our list of free stuff, added by me and visitors.

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Videos of different detaching themes, some from NASA and worldwide known videos..

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They gave problems, some gave hell filth emotion, others did crime, give & gave me problems and I am doomed to go to hell jail and suffer there.. I was veeeeeeeeeeeeeery afraid in 2018 around but lately I am more strong.. Still I wanted to remove my crime and speak of those who did the sin but some of them dont want to so I have remove the whole page. Currently I am in psychiatry as mental patient and not police so so far so good and now Trump wants to send foreigners having done crime to Asia and the sun and a brown boy thought I was pakistanian, foreigner but was norwegian but burned by the sun, impurified by the forfathers and mother father and given so much water in telepathy by a shadow man that I had a lot of shit in me suffering in severe pain in school from 5 til 17.. Arrested though two times in police total both times others lawed and I did not choose it, was reaction cause if they werent there I wouldnt do it. I saw in telepathy 2 persons, one who said: "But he solved it" and another who said: "If he gives water love.." and another who said: "Dont work for God and money" and another who said in irony: "Oh no the children laugh at me" meaning how I felt about the children and the Crete devil sick world. That shadow being always bullied me as "impure" thinking I was the forfathers and father mother. I also so shows saw my father who in telepathy hell anxiety said: "Motherfucker" in his lies and I sensed him in psychiatry same scene with anxiety. How can a smaller child be the motherfucker? One then goes to the elderly if one has to. I also saw neighbour Giorgos maybe name coming in night when I had severe anxiety and he healed me with telepathy sex. So there is telepathy and demons can come in and express through a person. In this case they did it to me. Those who claim a better life without truth wake up others to remove them and so they loose sleep and love enemies and go to hell. Showed in 1983 around til 1992 in the sick world. To control the within is difficult.

Some of my enemies and the prophecy by apostel John..

They gave evil, I became reactionist and I risk wars & jail.

In Norway USA Greece if a crime is done to you it is not always criminal to react but depends on the scene. My psychologist said he or they believed in telepathy. Some though dont. If a green light sign is there and many cars drive cause of the sign, then a car in front of other cars that is great in slow move as we need to suicide and be slow that yet has to drive if it drives is crashed by a car behind it that follows the green light of to drive. It is then the green light sign that is the problem, not the first driver and the driver behind him doesnt need to follow reality instead to suicide to not be and know there is a car in front of him. So the problem is the green light law sign. Some say green light is not a law but bad driving is illegal and can be defined as illegal if you stop at green light blocking cars behind of you. If they had not been there I would not have done this. So they did it. Those below were lawed by confused powers not easy to control, who had problems within as we many have and things today are difficult and after so many reincarnations of hatred to us hating or passing problems we ourselves experience and or experienced is something usual.

It appears that the ones starting the problems to me had mental disorders. Father mania anxiety, one with post traumatic stress, another with compulsive disorder and such. I would believe no hate no love is the best no happy no anxiety as well. Krishna said one is not the doers of ones actions in the Gita. Small crimes can lead to big problems.

In the end it was norwegian grandmother who was the Antichrist, she in hell didnt believe in love and meditated in evil and good. She believed "Son of God" ment God and was wrong and hated Christ for the evil done to her.

Around 16 years old til 2018 December. My brother giving weed cannabis making me sick and angry. In 2019 August around father pig showing in the food store saying it to me that I was a pig but judging himself and as well thinking I am Gunnhild and Tore Borte who said in telepathy that I had to become a sheep if not I would be cutted. Then Crete grandfather thought my though I have to decrease money interest that my acts in gambling and pc games were fun, though it is difficult, though it takes time to detach and change, but my PC games and gambling was to detach from awareness and evil, to kill it to remove it. Had diseases as towards death and appeared smiling during death but ment focus in pain of diseases. "Those who are attached to demoniac views I curse to demons who stress the body and soul within." "The demons always attached to their senses." Gita.

Grandmothers grandfathers mother and father gave me diseases and massive hell stench. Some form of panic anxiety, severe though, father said life is hard as some form of emotion pain, mother said sometimes there is anxiety, grandmother died and had heart attacks. Norwegian grandfather was a boatman maybe to intake the relaxed sea and my greek grandmother said sometimes she suffers by severe anxiety. Also, my Crete grandfather was sick in the end of his life. I had the right to masturbate one time thinking of my father as I was bound as it is as father mostly as son, the father influences the son mostly but not all. Also I had the right to hit him massive hard on the head cause I had severe hell panic anxiety from 0-9.4 years old, and to attack him little without severe pain. I also threw his police jacket and had as well the right to do so cause the hell life I had as child was very very very very very very pain. Mother suffered my blood pain and had high blood pressure of pain and kidney stone as with the compulsive disorder she somehow gave me making her not easy to shit.

Mother blasphemia against me, made me bride and I said I didnt want to she said I had to. Caused reaction of hore bullying, hitting her in the head, throwing glasses at her windows in her house. Appears as some form of sex trauma multiple personality disorder not knowing forfather control mostly causing a psychosis state in her making her attack the believed doer. Caused me as well to bully others. Mother suffered my blood pain and had high blood pressure of pain and kidney stone as with the compulsive disorder she somehow gave me making her not easy to shit. Also suffers by reaction cause of this tiny criminal act and freedom removal with her leg by gravity anger.

The shadow man not knowing the children had rape plans as it was murder in Crete, diseases, hidden violence and didnt believe they had plans to rape me hiddenly under their desk by masturbation. He had mania of speech, as if they wouldnt do something bad. Supporting blasphemea something of a crime.

The anger in Crete when I saw Christ was the beauty woman who stole my money and cheated and lied and I did same doing crime, stealing chocolate and all sorts of beer from stores in Norway. Without her Id not become angry and I never liked chocolates, soda pop though yes, ice cream yes, gele yes. Materialist anger as without her I wouldnt have the anger within, materialist mania as there is telepathy and she was in me in anger.. No much money from 0 - 17 causing supressed feelings of desires.

One of the few times I was sent to police, 3 times total, once cause a thief entered me and not me who made me steal candies beer and cigarillos as I tricked same way as she did in Crete. Once a school person who lawed to steal a camera and once my mother were I lived downstairs she putted the eelctricity off and that is not allowed by law for houseowners and I reacted her act sadly much as sometimes cause of lack of self defence and destroyed el cables. These were the one time I was to be arrested and 2 times sent to jail, first time 1 hour second time one night sleepover.

Image detach

Same scene as lying about stealing cigarillos saying my family would divorce and they released me, same similar scene as the beauty woman stealing money. But not sure.. Me having psychosis no self defence and the woman in Crete forgetting the problems that are and not detaching more.

Cat licked me (so shows how cats intake others by powers as I dont like to be licked by cats)and the cats drew me to them and I as well reacted by sex reaction with more concrete, penis. Several times around with the cat in Flita and the cat in Haagolia and Glenna if I remember correct there. The cat had powers to intake me as I remember the typical scene when she he went to the house similar to what I did earlier when child in church then close to a gyros shop and a field were some shitted. Some form of relax detach intake so it went bad. There is also a picture in my fathers house in Crete with cats dressed as prostitutes. Cat who stole relax instead of asking and so Id give it maybe suicided cause of such theft within weird to control detach energy.

Grandmother in Norway gave meat me having some form of intelligence eating her fish thinking fish is in hell me not choosing to eat and so did mother and the cat licked as they do and was some causes of me going to psychiatry, as I read zoophilia causes diseases. I could have eaten plastic if given I didnt know. Some form of psychosis of sense attached.

Brother in 2001 around my brother woke me up to give me weed to be confused in already confusion, I was detached in sleep as I know as I had severe hell pain all those years. Also brother didnt go against mother but chicken and made me angry within and made me to cut the chicken that was dead with metal that wasnt sharp.

My father spoke relaxed about things but he had a bit at least mania psychosis a bit, I sensed a tense energy in his behind and he as I read in internet first times around that fathers make their children a bit themselves and I was in hell pain emotion from 0 - 9,5 years old and I would say the very very bad hit to his head when I was in his behind and the small attacks afterwards makes it a 1-1 result were I didnt even start it. As a police officer knowing the criminals and still making babies is not advanced. Some form of severe very very panic anxiety.

Singer in Ierapetra church knew problems but couldnt manage to detach and instead they had anxiety and stressed me within. Some form of mania.

My brother is in modern hell sometimes and kills angels.

Tore Borte made me go to jail as he said to steal the camera and might cause problems, were police in Porsgrunn came and saw us with plastic guns, still cant believe how I was bound as I was more detached but appears he lawed my thoughts.. Me in some form of grandmother in Norway influence with her shouting at products and christmas time when I was suffering with severe anxiety in Boe when child and some form of mania in Tore claiming he can easily remove memory of pain as though stealing products from others would appear as a good act as we dont really need products always, humans dont really solve it and to not know such within to detach causes more aware states.

Stian F. made me throw the teachers glasses under a bus. Though intelligence is problem well crime is crime..

A nurse in Notodden named Lena believed I was the bullying to a nurse but was my mother as she rooted me in fear of bullying from 5 - 16 years old around. The nurse looks like flounder and she uses to buy such in her freezer. Such bullying became tired energy and she within cutted the nurses self, but by thought. The nurse should not though have aten potatoe salat and blueberry and neither sprite soda pop cause some say eating and iving within with demons is thereby causing unity. Id rather know aware forms, eat them remove them forever and so no more pain hell for them.

Bullying, shouting, cutting and hitting was my brother and caused me to smoke weed and entered me and did such things as well excessive reaction from evil done to me. He became a modern sheep mother devil mix fake form. From 2000 - 2018 December and then I removed him from me.

Bullying online was influence from my childhood were there was a small crime done to me in blasphemea me dressed as girls and boys dont like that and as well grandmother becoming a modern mix demon fake sheep mother bullier, I also bullied on net as I realized hidden bullyings as they hated and claimed I was the fallen, though me free clean and nothing and Christ should not ask me what I want to become but to not be, cause I was in emotion hell and sometimes one needs to know the severe problem and stop it once and for all. He was cruicified, I lived in our hell memory of severe hurt pain, there were diseases severe HIV cancer cataclysm and we have an asshole and so to become self honour is shame. He even in christian texts claimed the world to be the devil and of the difficult path and other statements. To be helped is to bully a person within and say he is a failure and so there is no love in it. He even said "One has to die to live." Some form of dementia mania he had when he telepathized in Crete Ierapetra at our first house in the bus station besides.

My Crete grandfather had come in Crete when I was a child and called me pedophilian when I ended up spitting on a butcher gyros shop. They threatened me of cutting my throat and then Crete grandfather telepathized and sdaid I was a pedophilian. There were some children in Boe Norway who touched my penis during night me sitting in a bed, so the children wanted that contact, at least them, so I just reacted. Not now though, during that scene I did nothing. Also some toilet sex masturbation unity hang out with one under 18 were he started it and not me. Nothing is not bad, its not pedophilian, it is detached, relax. I didnt choose much in Crete. Sex I learned from neighbour in Ierapetra first house and brother. I was then nothing but my family gave me massive stench. Grandfather and Paal not knowing me as nothing claiming nothing is something.

In the evil apartment and in Boe towards Seljord I though trying to be no longer lawed by my brothers weed needed time to detach..

The cats licking me and using their claws I reacted by throwing a knife at a cat and when one cat did suicide cause of the licking reaction, later I sensed much poison pain and once in Haagolia I gave poison to the milk given to the cat there.

Mother denied el wire so I couldnt listen to Active Member with his detached heaven song, "Nai" ("Yes I look up to the heaven") I reacted and destroyed el wires.

Neighbour Telegata 25 coming in hard knocks and is defined as trouble, she could easy phoned and asked me to wash the apartment and is her stairs anyway, I reacted with killing threats.

I was doing some scam pretending to be charity of Red Cross and we got 200NOK from a neighbour and I was the leader. Same pattern as thief in Crete as she looked like Mary in church, the beauty woman.

The bike man in Porsgrunn had been a reaction from a norwegian soccer player when we were young who kneed my knee. I wasnt in pain but I got realized in how problems there are and reacted. Or a reaction from harhs Wu Tang intro song from a chinese man who says: May you rotten in hell.."

The car drinking 2 times around was my norwegian grandmother in me doing it.

The white cat I threw a knife to was in same family of other cats who used their claw so sins go down to the children and they suffer reaction.

The pedophilia judge when I was a boy, I had 2 incidents were 2 girls around 13 years old touched me on my penis outwards, also one girl as well who wanted to have sex around 14-15 years old and many of them liked to kiss me and use their tounge, so they came and they did it and by the powers of law got reaction though in this life I never was pedophilian. Also a friend who in more secret had some form of sex union. Him in age under 16. So he did it.

In Notodden last years I have had contact with a person in Athens who hates me cause of "me" bulluying him online much, 3 times but last time very much and this is my mother blapshemea against me as boys dont like to be dressed as girls, it is a small crime but a crime and as I remember I reacted back and bullied him massive and he wanted to slaughter me and more and I cutted my hand and then I reacted to cut a plant outside last months and some metal outdoors.

I was meditating on how Krishna and the church in Ierapetra Timios Stauros Crete had cursed me to demons this life, leading to a severe hell anxiety from 0 - 17. Church claiming hiddenly Im a low pig happy with shit and consumer. "The lowest I curse to demons of life.." Gita. As I understand it is compulsive disorder, psychotic compulsive disorder they had and it is easier for them to throw their shit in a more void area that is me so their disease becomes easier to deal with.

Earthquack happend cause of a tiny criminal act of blasphemia by a sex trauma woman and an aware animal human woman who played PC games to kill earlier enemies in her reincarnations and became bullied on net and reacted hatred to another person back and those 2 first named caused some problems of earthquack, one suffering from it afterwards and another from before.

I stole as the beauty woman did and I before stealing a 20 pack of smoke in Notodden last year, one bottle of spiritus and 6 beers around and cutted with knife a metal outdoor. Outside of the apartment there was a store similar to the kiosk scene.

I was nothing from 0 - 9,4 years old. My family though were diseased so they suffered much. My Crete grandfather didnt know words and so influenced me to not know things in personality id. I though before not knowing the words cause of him understood I was nothing something relaxed and good and if not allowed by the powers of death that I was and are little clean little free and those who claim total simple great state arent smart. Last 4 months I am better in szir0 state meditation of nothingness but takes time and my plan is to never be no more.

Neighbour didnt know rules and knocked hard on my door and it was she who had to clean the stairs still she said I had to. The shadow man lawed the scene so I couldnt know to wash the hall since I moved out. And some other damage. Last time was recently.

Brother shouted in me to out area of my apartment 02.09.2024 me listening to Cypress Hill were C is like G and they hate pigs and she believed they wer e crying negative. She is as the santaclaus anger shouter. In hell risking hell jail in Turkey Iraq areas and as well manic and even though she knows problems she doesnt detach and suicide forever but becomes aware angry. Threatened me with different problems, jail and other stuff and wants to feel good and feel food instead of non being and becomes very angry when feeling a little stress.

Brotherlawed a scene of telepathy where I was to communicate with someone but was her and she dressed in man form telepathy threatened me to go to hell and I reacted sadly much back and was appearing but was within violent externally in Notodden in a bar.

Brother had read a book of Srila P. who said if you become a householder your life is destroyed and made me appear but was within violent in front of neighbour in Storgata.

The thief stealing my money 5000 drachmes, first see first get stuff, making me anxiety caused as Id keep money and not use too much and so would have increased money made me poor and I needed smoke and I didnt choose smoke and caused the theft within anger outwards to the metal outdoors making it so she cutted the metal with knife. One of them working in a store either knowing or not increased money amount for my orders there, a knowing crime, both beautiful so same race.

Mother bullying m hiddenly as hore and not allowing me in freedom choice were I suffered 11 years every day every second in fear of becoming bullied entered me before and spoke to herself as hore in anger in text messages sometimes.

Brother hitting me during some form of Taekwondo in Boe 1983. Then my hand broke and then I said to my father "If you want to go to Greece you dont have to feel obligated to live in Norway" and he cried maybe happy tears and my brother threw me to the floor. Then I reacted this.

I spitted at a christian man cause he bullied hiddenly when I was a child and asked "What I wanted to be when growing up.." Instead of saying: Let us suicide and never be and do acts to not be and analyze if not allowed and do what we want to." Sadly excessive reaction.

I was given weed cannabis when I was very sleepy and so didnt know what I was doing. I got headache first time and another time I had severe anxiety and was sent to psychiatry. I became a bit addict (though they say weed is not addictive) and smoked more as was a pattern but try to not do this no more and havent last years. Though one in Telerock came and gave me a small piece of hash but I threw it to the trashcan. I never knew laws as a shadow man who was great in detach and vegetarian life but sadly manic in speech came when I was in hell in Crete emotion and said: "Dont know goverment laws." I have though last years sent email to police about crime but as they said in telpeathy it doesnt get solved easy.

Some students had beers one night and an old friend said: "Black panthers" and I stood there to detach and thought maybe Id solve it. They hitted me in the head and i saw stars and then I became sadly very angry in shouting.

There was a woman working at a gambling store and she did crime and didnt allow me to withdraw my own money and she came in me and appeared angry and said to herself: "Take your glasses off.." I was banned after that and not allowed to visit the gambling place.

About sex issues they came to me with problems and I expressed to them too.


Father mother, hell impure, very much stench. In christianity it says "A good person has peace in him." Jesus. Father said I was evil as if I didnt feel the pain and my norwegian grandmother had read that Srila P said demons dont know they suffer. I knew. The 1983 - 1992 age of cancer hiv and cataclysm that the massive hell suffering was so much that the hatred became massive and the demons make plans to curse with shit food rape cut the guilty of being impure that time. That was the first judgement.

Beauty woman, stealing money knowing tricking in speech making it so that he entered within and stole from Norway supermarkets. Crime to steal and though good to not have products we humans dont really solve things. The within anger of what I assume was her cause of telepathy and me doing nothing and showed crime as she spoke in trick and lies similar to what I did later that the 3 judgement was anger within.

Tore Borte, thief coming in me and stealing a camera making it so that he threw the camera out the train. We were around 14 years old. Appears police never knew how to deal with the pain my father had with his hurted feelings and though he entered me with massive tears almost drowning me Tore managed to send a law through such and entered me to steal the camera, were stealing is ok if lucky correct done right, but we humans mostly fail in acts. I was judged as evil in head by police hiddenly in jail.

Brother giving cannabis from 14 - 17 years old turning me demonized as modern happy great life belief. Made me manic consumer They judge the beer as negative but it was the weed, I had severe anxiety and meditated on love issues making me good bad meditation. The church lies of that God loves, and so the peace dove was not peacefull as they said. Many jails came in lands of Turkey and Iraq areas from 2000

Cats stealing my relax state and so lawed themselves to enter me and intake sexual relations and one knife throw though missed. Same scene ith black cat first time with cat, church, field of shit and gyros on left. An image in Crete shows cats dressed as hores, we have it in our house. That was either the 5 or 6th judgement. Cats tend to lick and I remember veeery little of it but still it licked me and so shows how the cat(s) intake humans, they lick and intake them and the cats start the licking.

Father hell emotion 9.4 years as I read as father as son and spasm behind coming in me and making me hit him hard on head. So he got reaction. That was the 8th judgement.

Mother bullying hiddenly dressing me as bride as crime act of blapshemea and she coming in me and bullying others on net. That was the 2 judgement.

Camilla neighbour false accusation in Haagolia before Glenna that is a crime said I stole her camera chip and I didnt. So I reacted sadly much big as I sadly do sometimes and took her vodka and caused a problem. Vassviken stole my NETeller card that is a crime and I sadly reacted by hitting him back.

Apostel John, not knowing they above did crimes first and reaction defence and attack is allowed sometimes and judges me instead. Within some trick thoughts months now for me to be sent to jail, apostel John telepathizes and says me to go to jail and is similar to before me going to psychiatry. That was the 7th judgement.

Appears the ones causing these problems gave small starting problems, whilest me believed to be the doer of much more evil but without them I wouldnt do it, so they came in me and did it and telepathy is like antennas in TV, I saw Active Member, a white man, another white man, father saying I was motherfucker, I saw a shadow of a person saying: "No they bully me" in irony as if my intelligence was wrong, the children in hell crete would express some of their bone within of pain and bully more, him again as moon laughing with hard matress pain giving to me, a nurse saying I was dumb as a pig, brother with jesus and me as ghost stuff. I wasnt social and they took contact with me as I wasnt a pig I was in hell pain, no happy.

Grandfather hating me for expressing sheep mother snake as that was my brother and also believes I am happy in detached state instead of boring work he steals money from me and did this 28.07.2024 around and caused a reaction hate by him to talk negative bad to one of his own family and some hand push fight and I was thrown to the ground and Im still in pain in my back.

They claim me of as demon and it says duration of life is short for demons. Judged by father priest and apostel John as the satan and wild beast. It happend last days from yesterday and before with cut in body, birdhseep cutting grandfather rand others reacting, months now. Something tricks the mind and curse me to jail and apostel John says I will go to jail. Shows jail scene in church Misjonskirke besides it it is jail similar bars.. Father today said "ey you dont go to hell".. Either saying of it or hating me.

Father suffering in within jail at least within said days ago that I had to go to hell. Same scene as with lawing me within to be motherfucker to a sex mobile phone call and my brother with his scams were he suffers without him doing anything bad just forfathers and hell jail turks and iraq areas giving him pain hell cause of bad luck forfathers sending their slaughter binding animals dna to us, those 2, grandfather I.H. and brother destroying one firealarm in the apartment.

One beauty woman cutted head off and same with birdhsheep, father sweet face worker, grandfather with paal peratzin medicators, mothers many out there, father came even here, saw 2 cats one coming from the hospital once close here outdoors, seen many doves lately didnt notice them before as I remember, maybe Tore outdoors months ago not sure. ApostelJohn stealing money coming as junkie out of apartment I told him he could drink with me he didnt came and either him or neighbour earlier stole 100kr. A priest similar person with antichrist judging cross similar in his clothing was there...Me before going to Notodden, driving from psychiatry in Seljord to Notodden.

Also Olav enemy, Vassvik, the strong man who said if I knock harder I will be punched.

I have the right to defend and attack back from criminals even though small but to do the same act would be best, not as what happend with excessive reactions. Though if one steals one gets sometimes phine one can be arrested, and if one rapes one doesnt get normally raped by police. They made me impure anxiety, they made me become criminal by their acts, they made me evil and I gave hell and made others suffer and now they will rape me, cut me in pain, eat me rape me and shit me in the toilet and before heat me in kitchen in pain and then hell jail in hell pain for me or hell scene with the three 3 family cat rapers gun shooters trashcan throwing chocks of pain death.

Police in Boe have said many times for me to shut up but was not me talking it was my brother and they once threw me down to the ground in violent act so when they say "shut up" in telepathy they provoke fear of such scene. So they did the crimes and they reacted with bullying themselves in an email.

Crete grandfather bullied me as hore and I reacted to my father in email.